Films � Discovery Channel The Real Eve Documentary (2002)
Author: admin | 27 July 2009 | Views: 976
Discovery Channel The Real Eve Documentary
Narrated by actor Danny Glover, "The Real Eve" reveals that our shared genetic heritage links every living person on earth and traces the expansion of modern humans throughout the world.
The discovery of the Eve gene stunned the world.
It seems we could all be descended from just a few females or even just one.
In this telling anthropological video, we access the very latest DNA reconstructions, and for the first time, tell conclusively the story of where, when and how the human race came about and then populated the world.
From the Back Cover
Five billion people...from one woman.
Who was "the real Eve"?
What did she really look like, where did she live, how did the human race truly come to be?
Travel back in time as Danny Glover narrates this fascinating look into the past to fined the very beginnings of the human race.
Through exclusive access to the very latest DNA reconstructions and cutting edge technology, scientists can now for the first time conclusively answer the where, when and how's of this mysterious woman-mother to us all.
Actors: Danny Glover
Directors: Andrew Piddington
Format: Color, NTSC
Language: English
Number of tapes: 1
Studio: Discovery Channel
VHS Release Date: August 20, 2002
Run Time: 103 minutes
It's possibly the best piece of work on the genealogy and evolution of humans I have seen in my lifetime.
By researching and explaining the migration of modern humans from Africa throughout the rest of the world the research completely challenges our whole notion of RACE since it proves that we are all related somehow -- every single person on the planet can trace at least part of their mitochondrial DNA back to one small group of ancestors in Africa.
At first it was hard to believe that someone who is phenotypically European or Asian could descend from someone who is African but the film does a solid job of using cinematography to recreate and explain the evolution of man over thousands of years.
The use of indigenous people in the film from Eastern Africans to the Samang in Malaysia was brilliant.
The director and producer make the events so real that you feel like you are there when it is actually happening.
Danny Glover was a great choice to narrarate the film.
One of the highlights of the film was when scientists randomly tested the DNA of 6 ethnically diverse Americans in Chicago and were able to link a Greek emigre and a Cree, Native American man by a common ancestor that existed 30,000 yrs ago using genetic markers.
At no other time in the history of man have we had the scientific know-how to do this and DNA is 99.9% reliable evidence.
I would love to see a sequel to the film that explores further the notion of this global expansion and evolution.
How did changes in hair texture, culture, and languages come about over time as our ancestors migrated from one continent or country to another?
I would also like them to interview people who've had their DNA tested -- like what it revealed and how it impacted their lives.
Discovery Channel The Real Eve Documentary
Narrated by actor Danny Glover, "The Real Eve" reveals that our shared genetic heritage links every living person on earth and traces the expansion of modern humans throughout the world.
The discovery of the Eve gene stunned the world.
It seems we could all be descended from just a few females or even just one.
In this telling anthropological video, we access the very latest DNA reconstructions, and for the first time, tell conclusively the story of where, when and how the human race came about and then populated the world.
From the Back Cover
Five billion people...from one woman.
Who was "the real Eve"?
What did she really look like, where did she live, how did the human race truly come to be?
Travel back in time as Danny Glover narrates this fascinating look into the past to fined the very beginnings of the human race.
Through exclusive access to the very latest DNA reconstructions and cutting edge technology, scientists can now for the first time conclusively answer the where, when and how's of this mysterious woman-mother to us all.
Actors: Danny Glover
Directors: Andrew Piddington
Format: Color, NTSC
Language: English
Number of tapes: 1
Studio: Discovery Channel
VHS Release Date: August 20, 2002
Run Time: 103 minutes
It's possibly the best piece of work on the genealogy and evolution of humans I have seen in my lifetime.
By researching and explaining the migration of modern humans from Africa throughout the rest of the world the research completely challenges our whole notion of RACE since it proves that we are all related somehow -- every single person on the planet can trace at least part of their mitochondrial DNA back to one small group of ancestors in Africa.
At first it was hard to believe that someone who is phenotypically European or Asian could descend from someone who is African but the film does a solid job of using cinematography to recreate and explain the evolution of man over thousands of years.
The use of indigenous people in the film from Eastern Africans to the Samang in Malaysia was brilliant.
The director and producer make the events so real that you feel like you are there when it is actually happening.
Danny Glover was a great choice to narrarate the film.
One of the highlights of the film was when scientists randomly tested the DNA of 6 ethnically diverse Americans in Chicago and were able to link a Greek emigre and a Cree, Native American man by a common ancestor that existed 30,000 yrs ago using genetic markers.
At no other time in the history of man have we had the scientific know-how to do this and DNA is 99.9% reliable evidence.
I would love to see a sequel to the film that explores further the notion of this global expansion and evolution.
How did changes in hair texture, culture, and languages come about over time as our ancestors migrated from one continent or country to another?
I would also like them to interview people who've had their DNA tested -- like what it revealed and how it impacted their lives.
Discovery Channel The Real Eve Documentary
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