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Films � Born Free / Living Free (1996)

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Author: admin | 22 December 2008 | Views: 1195
Born Free is a bona fide family classic. The tale of how Kenya game warden George Adamson and his wife Joy adopted and raised three orphaned lion cubs, taking a particular shine to the one they call Elsa before helping her return to the wild, is familiar by now; so is John Barry's Oscar-winning title song. And while the movie has its flaws , the animal footage, especially that of the lions in their various stages of development, is extraordinary and timelessly entertaining.

The 1972 sequel doesn't quite measure up to its predecessor but, in an era when most "family entertainment" tends toward the insipid at best, Living Free is still a worthwhile venture. Susan Hampshire and Nigel...
Born Free / Living Free (1996)

A special double-set collection of the nature classic and it's sequel.

BORN FREE (1965): The true story of Elsa the lioness who was raised by game warden George Adamson and his wife Joy. Based on Joy's book and one of the best family dramas of all time. Academy Awards: Best Song ("Born Free"), Best Original Music Score.

LIVING FREE (1972): In this sequel to "Born Free," Joy and George Adamson return to East Africa only to discover Elsa, the lioness they had raised and set free dying - with three lion cubs left to be taken care of.

Director Jack Couffer
Actors: Geoffrey Keen - Nigel Davenport - Susan Hampshire - Peter Lukoye - Shane De Louvre
EAN Code: 5035822126619
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