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General � Expedition Africa

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Author: admin | 1 August 2009 | Views: 1842
Expedition Africa is an eight-part reality television series produced by Mark Burnett and airing on The History Channel. The series follows four modern day explorers - a navigator, a wildlife expert, a survivalist, and a journalist - as they substantially retrace H.M. Stanley's famed expedition to find Dr. David Livingstone. Their route deviates somewhat from Stanley's in that it includes a treacherous crossing of the Uluguru Mountains, which Stanley circumvented. Additionally, whereas Stanley took roughly 8 months to find Livingstone, the explorers on the show have 30 days to complete the 970-mile journey deep into the interior of Tanzania.

Expedition Africa


- Pasquale Scatturo - an adventurer and geophysicist who has led expeditions all over the world, including three to Mount Everest. Pasquale once successfully led a dangerous 3,260 mile expedition from the source of the Nile River high in the mountains of Ethiopia to the Mediterranean Sea, an experience which was captured in the IMAX film, Mystery of the Nile. Pasquale serves as the group's navigator and de facto leader, though his perceived domineering manner sometimes creates conflict with other members.

- Mireya Mayor - an anthropologist, wildlife correspondent, and former cheerleader for the NFL's Miami Dolphins. Mireya, who has a PhD, is a two-time Emmy Award-nominated correspondent for the National Geographic Channel. Her work has provided her with extensive field experience studying primates, snakes, and other wild animals indigenous to the continent. Mireya is sometimes annoyed by what she perceives as Pasquale's condescending treatment towards the only woman in the group, as well as by Kevin's inexperience.

- Benedict Allen - an explorer, author, and filmmaker. Benedict's adventures have taken him from Siberia to South America, where he once completed an eight month journey to become the first outsider ever to cross the Amazon basin at its widest point. Nevertheless, he does not have much experience in Africa. The author of 10 books, Benedict serves as the group's survivalist. Benedict often chafes under Pasquale's leadership.

-Kevin Sites - is an award-winning war correspondent and author who has worked for ABC, NBC and CNN. As a backpack journalist, he covered every major conflict in the world in one year for Yahoo! News. On the series he's depicted as a motivated but inexperienced explorer. He's often seen advocating on behalf of the porters, but some in the group regard this sensitivity as him transposing his own concerns onto others. Kevin also performs as a trained EMT, helping out where needed medically, and sometimes comes into conflict with Mireya, who believes her past expedition experiences outweigh Kevin's "book" knowledge.


Episode 1: Lost in Africa
In the premiere episode, clashing egos, personality conflicts and disorganization threaten to sink the expedition before it even begins. Pasquale and Benedict squabble as each tries to take command, while Mireya, the only woman on the expedition, proves more than up to the challenge ahead. Kevin is smart and motivated, but his inexperience almost proves costly. As they find out more about the history of Stanley's expedition, the explorers realize that the journey will be much more difficult than anticipated

[/b]Episode 2: First Victim
As they approach the Uluguru Mountains for a treacherous mountain crossing, the team reconsiders how much gear they are carrying. Pasquale tries to push them ahead, but as they climb higher, the torrid African sun makes travel difficult. One member of the group collapses with a life-threatening condition, and the explorers are forced to call for emergency medical attention and make camp early.

The next day, the explorers reach the oldest forest in Africa - 25 million years old and finally approach the summit, but damp conditions make it impossible to start a cooking fire. They are forced to set out hungry the next day, when they must face the crossing of sheer cliffs hundreds of feet tall.

Episode 3: Hunters Become The Hunted
As the explorers begin their trek acrossthe hot, parched Mkata Plains, finding enough water becomes a critical issue. The dangers of this new environment quickly become apparent, even as the explorers marvel at the giraffes, elephants, zebra and other game grazing nearby. Everyone has been afflicted by some kind of illness, and in sea of 10-foot-high grass, where lions could be hiding anywhere, it�s important to stay alert. Another injury reminds them just how vulnerable they are. The pace of the group�s progress continues to be a source of frustration, and two explorers appear to be headed for a showdown.

Expedition Africa: Stanley and Livingstone - This eight-part series follows four adventurers as they retrace journalist Henry Stanley's 19th century search in Africa for missing explorer David Livingstone.
courtesy Brent Stirton/History

Episode 4: African Monsoon
Terrible weather conditions turn the expedition into a struggle for survival. As the explorers begin the day�s hike, they realize the rainy season is closing in on them more quickly than they thought. Their progress is hampered by heavy downpours, and the group begins to fear hypothermia as they are forced to slog through mud and rain. When serious illness hits one member of the expedition, the explorers begin to wonder if they will ever get out of Sagara

Episode 5: Danger In the Desert
In this episode, the explorers arrive at the Bahi Swamp, which despite its name is a harsh desert landscape. The explorers arrange for donkeys to help carry supplies for the next stage of the trip, and plan to beat the heat by setting out early. Tempers begin to fray when things don�t work out as planned, and things only get worse when the group sees what�s ahead of them: a massive stretch of desert with no shade or protection from the sun. Will divisions jeopardize their survival?

Episode 6: Malaria Claims an Explorer
Benedict and Pasquale reach an uneasy truce as the explorers trek to Tabora, site of the Livingstone house. There, one of the team comes down with malaria � ironically, the same place where Stanley contracted it. This puts the future of the expedition entirely in question. In the end, they decide to continue, and the Expedition heads off toward an uncertain future, knowing any relapse could lead to their failure. Time is critical if they want to make Ujiji in 30 days.

With one of the team ill and needing care, the balance of power changes, and the group is exhausted. They make camp, but must build fires to ward off the danger from hippos. After a decision to rest for a day, confrontations ensue. Two of the team get into a huge fight, putting team unity � and hope for a successful expedition - into shambles.

Expedition Africa: Stanley and Livingstone - Benedict Allen

Episode 7: Heart of Darkness
Spirits are on the upswing as the expedition starts its trek to the Malagarasi. With the finish line is finally in sight, the three experienced explorers use their common love of exploration to help them put aside their differences and enjoy the remainder of the expedition while Kevin has his sights set on the finish line. The group reaches an abandoned village where they reluctantly set up camp near croc-infested waters (they would learn that the village was abandoned because crocs attacked the children). Pasquale and Benedict find themselves getting along, while Kevin grows frustrated. The next day, Pasquale wants to get moving early because thunderstorms and danger loom on the horizon. They make their way to their next campsite, where a night of chatting leads the explorers to open up about their pasts and gives them a better perspective on their fellow expedition mates. The next day, they will begin the final trek toward Ujiji. They must say goodbye to the porters who have helped them come this far. But now, traveling alone, the rains come...

Episode 8: The Final Chapter
As the team waits out the heavy rains, the explorers recognize that, above all else, they want to make it to Ujiji as a cohesive unit. They work together to bury and resolve their differences. Benedict and Pasquale canoe together down the Malagarasi toward Lake Tanganyika as a symbol of this cohesive spirit. Lake Tanganyika�s currents and waves offer a not-so-friendly greeting, and they switch from canoes to small sailboats. The explorers can feel Ujiji within their grasp. With little thought, they put up their sails quickly and dash for the horizon. Kevin and Benedict�s sail breaks, leaving them far behind and fearful they won�t find camp as the sun sets. At camp, all realize they cannot lose focus this close to the finish. Kevin and Benedict�s troubles continue the next day when boat issues cause them to fall far behind again, but this time, the team pledges to stick together. The explorers spot Ujiji, but the final stretch proves more daunting than they had imagined. Wading chest deep in swampy water and head-high razor grass, they are frightened of the snakes and crocodiles that may be lurking underneath them. Out of the swamp, filthy and exhausted, they decide to switch into fresh clothes � just as Stanley did before meeting Livingstone. Down the Mango Road, they walk down the same path as Stanley to Livingstone � four abreast for the first time, as they make their grand arrival at the Old Market for an epic celebration.
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