Author: admin | 27 July 2009 | Views: 891
Wild Africa is a BBC nature documentary series exploring the natural history of the African continent, first transmitted in the UK on BBC2 in November 2001. The series comprises six episodes. Each concentrates on a particular environment. The producers use aerial photography and wildlife footage to show how natural phenomena such as seasonal changes influence the patterns of life. Wild Africa was co-produced by the BBC Natural History Unit and the Discovery Channel. It was produced by Patrick Morris and narrated by Fergal Keane.
Author: admin | 27 July 2009 | Views: 1285
A documentry on the most dangerous moments in 5 diferent categories Wild encounters, Animal rescues, Natures fury, Painful rituals, Amazing challenges
Author: admin | 27 July 2009 | Views: 932
Great Wildlife Moments is a nature documentary DVD (BBCDVD1131) introduced by David Attenborough and released on 17 November 2003. It consists of a compilation of sequences from many of the BBC Natural History Unit's award-winning natural history series and specials, including Life on Earth, The Trials of Life, Wildlife on One and The Blue Planet. The featured clips are according to the habitats they were filmed in, including ocean, forest, jungle and desert. Introduced and presented by David Attenborough, this specially compiled documentary includes the most memorable images from his vast selection of natural history programming.
Author: admin | 27 July 2009 | Views: 962
Africa: The Serengeti is a 70mm American documentary film released in 1994 to IMAX theaters. It is narrated by Academy Award-nominated actor James Earl Jones, and directed by George Casey. It was shot on location in Kenya and Tanzania. The film features nature cinematography during a year at East Africa's Serengeti plain. The Serengeti is a huge area of grassland in Tanzania, Africa...
Author: admin | 8 July 2009 | Views: 782
Gilbert Clement Kamana Gwassa. Edited by Wolfgang Apelt. With supplementary material by Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig Series: InterCultura. Missions- und kulturgeschichtliche Forschungen Volume 5 2005 - 330 pp., 2 maps The manuscript of this book had been lying in the National Archive in Dar es Salaam for more than 30 years, until the Archive and Museum Foundation Wuppertal (Archiv- und Museums-Stiftung Wuppertal) decided to publish it and consequently to make it open to a wider public. The occasion for this was the centenarian commemoration of the Maji-Maji-War in Tanzania, in former times German East Africa (Deutsch-Ostafrika). The author Gilbert Klement Kamana Gwassa already presented this work as his dissertation in 1973 to the University of Dar es Salaam. What makes it so particular is the fact that it is one of the first studies in Africa about a colonial war from the point of view of an affected.
Author: admin | 1 July 2009 | Views: 906
A tourism promotional video produced by Tanzania Tourist Board
Author: admin | 1 July 2009 | Views: 896
Expedition Africa is an eight-part reality television series produced by Mark Burnett and airing on The History Channel. The series follows four modern day explorers - a navigator, a wildlife expert, a survivalist, and a journalist - as they substantially retrace H.M. Stanley's famed expedition to find Dr. David Livingstone. Their route deviates somewhat from Stanley's in that it includes a treacherous crossing of the Uluguru Mountains, which Stanley circumvented. Additionally, whereas Stanley took roughly 8 months to find Livingstone, the explorers on the show have 30 days to complete the 970-mile journey deep into the interior of Tanzania.
Author: admin | 30 June 2009 | Views: 1347
Yelena Khanga's family spans four generations on three continentsBy Karima A. Haynes - Soul to SoulYelena Khanga recalls the day in I February 1991 when she ran her fingers through the rich soil of a farm once owned by her great-grandfather in Yazoo County, Miss. At that moment, the Black American Russian Jewish African great-granddaughter of a former slave and a Polish rabbi knew in the deepest recesses of her soul that she was connected to something much larger than herself "I always believed that the only relatives I had were my mother and my grandmother," 30-year-old Khanga says with a distinctly Russian accent. "But when I went to Mississippi and saw the land, I was like, 'Wow! We have roots. This is where we come from.' Now, I feel that I am somebody." The trip to the Mississippi Delta was yet another personal discovery in Khanga's two-year quest to trace her unique family. The journey has taken the Russian journalist from the post-Civil War South to the Harlem nightclubs of the late 1920s; from a Soviet Union stymied by Stalin's brutal dictatorship to the heady, early days of glasnost; from Zanzibar, a tiny island off the coast of Tanzania, East Africa, to the bright lights of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Russian journalist Yelena Khanga pauses on Chicago's South Side (far left) during her recent journey into her family's past. She is the granddaughter of Oliver Golden, a Black American from Mississippi, and Bertha Bialek, a Polish Jewish immigrant, who moved to the Soviet Union in 1931.
Author: admin | 12 June 2009 | Views: 1255
By Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC News Pink baby elephant in Botswana (Mike Holding) The little pink calf was spotted in amongst an 80-strong elephant herdA pink baby elephant has been caught on camera in Botswana.A wildlife cameraman took pictures of the calf when he spotted it among a herd of about 80 elephants in the Okavango Delta. Experts believe it is probably an albino, which is an extremely rare phenomenon in African elephants. They are unsure of its chances of long-term survival - the blazing African sunlight may cause blindness and skin problems for the calf.
Author: admin | 21 May 2009 | Views: 964
Africa's Elephant Kingdom; Discovery Channel Pictures/Imax Corporation Michael Caulfield directed this 40-minute Imax documentary about African elephants, traveling over Mount Kilimanjaro, and Kenyan waterfalls, rivers, and forests. A large 60-year-old elephant known as Old Bull (voice of Avery Brooks) recalls the history of his clan and relationships in elephant society -- babies to mothers, mothers to families, and families to clans.