For those looking for some fast cash, a car title loan may be a great option. Depending on the wholesale value of the vehicle, many car title loan specialists will give out up to 70% of the value. A lien is placed on the title of the vehicle, holding it as collateral. Any vehicle can be considered for the loan, including boats, RV’s, motorcycles, as well as cars and SUV’s. In addition, sometimes personally owned commercial vehicles such as a semi can also be considered.
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Most car title loans are short term, over a period of approximately 30 days, but can be for longer periods depending on the lender. The great thing is that the money is available immediately, typically the same day it is applied for. Lenders do not check credit scores when applying for a car title loan, making it easy for those with bad credit or bankruptcies to obtain money. However, the amount of the loan is determined based upon the borrower’s ability to pay back the debt.
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There are no questions asked about what the car title loan is being used for, making it available for any use. Paying for an existing debt, medical bills, home improvements, or other emergencies are all viable reasons for this type of loan. The borrower is also still able to drive the car during the term, as long as the payments are kept current. Interest rates range from 10-17%.
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Another benefit to a car title loan is that it can have a positive effect on the borrower’s credit rating when paid back within the given time frame. Because the borrower is taking out less money, a large increase in overall debt is not being created.
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Four items are required in order to apply for a car title loan:
* Clear car title
* Driver’s license
* Proof of income
* Vehicle for inspection
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Some car title loan lenders allow the borrower to apply online, but there needs to be visual verification of the vehicle. Personal references may also be required.