Envoys tour Kilwa historical sites
Posted: Saturday November 29, 2008 2:34 AM BT
Posted: Saturday November 29, 2008 2:34 AM BT
A delegation of six diplomats visits Kilwa today to observe great historical sites and preservation of historical sites undertaken by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. According to a statement availed to The Guardian yesterday by the French Embassy, the trip will take place between November 28 and 30 and will be supported by the Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Shamsa Mwangunga.
The aim of the diplomats is to discover the superb cultural and tourism site that has been established by both the Ministry and the Development Partners, including France and Unesco.The participants are Ambassador of Netherlands Karel van Kesteren, Ambassador of Italy Francesco Catania, Ambassador of France Jacques Champagne de Labriolle, Ambassador of Finland Juhani Toivonen, Head of Delegation European Union Tim Clarke, Ambassador of Switzerland Adrian Schlapfer and other diplomatic staff, including senior UNESCO officials.
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