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Updated: Tuesday December 09, 2008 10:12 AM
Why is the ‘Selous Game Reserve’ called Shamba la Bibi?
13.07.08 | The Selous Game Reserve is not only Africa's largest protected area, but also the oldest. Its 110th birthday will be celebrated next year. Unfortunately I found out the details of its creation too late to mark its 100th birthday. All the more appropriate, therefore to commemorate…
Uganda: Tourism to Be Battered By Credit Crisis
09.12.08 | Kampala - Tourism earnings are expected to drop following a global recession that has made intending tourists cancel travel plans. According to industry players, the tourists from Europe and the US who…
Moshi Economy On Verge of Collapse
30.11.08 | Arusha - What used to be prime factories in Moshi are now closed down thus adversely affecting revenue collection by the government. When Arusha is standing tall for having collected revenue totaling Tshs…
City Status Still Eludes Arusha
29.11.08 | Arusha - The question whether Arusha is a municipality or city has been cleared answered by Arusha's Regional Commissioner, Mr. Isidore Shirima. It is not a city. Elevation of Arusha into a city is being…
EAC anticipates booming tourism in ten years’ time
05.10.08 | Travel and tourism contribution to the East African countries' Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is anticipated to moderately grow by nearly 5 per cent per annum over the coming 10 years, slightly up from 4…
Huge differences in tourism budgets across East Africa
22.07.08 | The tourism industry across Eastern Africa is undoubtedly a major, in some cases the biggest contributor towards foreign exchange earning, providing jobs and spreading income opportunities even to secondary…
EAC ministers slow tourist visa
20.07.08 | East African Community (EAC) ministers in charge of immigration are yet to meet to consider a proposal for a common tourist visa-a proposal, which if adopted, would bring to the fore benefits of marketing…
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