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Updated: Thursday July 10, 2008 6:56 PM
God’s mountain, Oldoinyo Lengai - A personal perspective
20.06.08 | I am not a mountaineer, but I have climbed a few mountains- all the 'biggies' in Snowdonia, Mounts Meru and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Mounts Kuh-es-Sabalon and Damavand in Iran, and a few others. However, by far the hardest and most unenjoyable (in terms of the ascent and descent),…
7 Tips for Choosing an Adventure Travel Company
10.07.08 | Today anyone can hang out a website shingle announcing themselves as adventure travel experts. But how do you know that these "experts" know how to walk softly on the environment, what to do if the weather…
Is climbing Kilimanjaro safe?
30.04.08 | My future father-in-law is interested in a trek up Mount Kilimanjaro. Not having considered doing anything quite this strenuous myself (and previously neither has he), I'd like to know if you have any…
World Wildlife Fund Travel Program Announces 2008 Tours
15.04.08 | Washington DC - World Wildlife Fund's Travel Program today announced its 2008 tour schedule, adding new snorkeling trips, more family destinations and revised itineraries for its most popular tours. The…
Boundless Journeys Announces Annual Charity events for 2008
08.04.08 | Stowe, Vermont - Adventure tour operator Boundless Journeys is offering its July 14-23, 2008 Tanzania Migration Safari trip as a special charity event to benefit the nascent non-profit organization, the…
Ride, don’t walk, is Serengeti wisdom
22.02.08 | We chased two baboons in a modified Toyota Land Cruiser. We wanted to see if they would catch the baby impala they were pursuing. We were cheering for the impala. The baboons won. Welcome to Serengeti…
Adventure is fastest growing travel trend
08.02.08 | These days, travellers want to experience something more than the gated resort and the cruise ship buffet. They want to go on a walking tour, climb a mountain and kayak down a river - adventures that can…
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