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Maasai home converts waste to fuel with help of TFFT
Posted: Monday February 16, 2009 3:34 AM BT
Becoming environmentally conscious provides significant benefits to the Matonyok Parents Trust and the 27 children who live there.
Becoming environmentally conscious provides significant benefits to the Matonyok Parents Trust and the 27 children who live there. On Wednesday, February 4th over 40 members of the Tanzanian and international community gathered in the Arumeru district of Olasiti for the dedication of a state-of-the-art sanitation facility at the Matonyok Parents Trust.

This facility was funded by the Hornig family of New York, USA and was built with the support of 'The Foundation for Tomorrow' (TFFT), an NGO which provides quality education for orphaned and abandoned children.

Among the ceremony attendees was the Founder and Executive Director of TFFT, Meghann

Gunderman; the local US Embassy Warden for Arusha, Mrs. Ruth Edwards; Mr. Raphael Mollel, Ward Executive Office; Philemon Parshuku, member of Social Welfare; Ibrahim Mayo, Agriculture Officer; and the patrons of the Matonyok Parents' Trust, Ms. Emmy Sitayo and Mr. Peniel Ndemno.

The sanitation facility took over five months to build and contains a bio-gas reservoir which will convert waste material to safe cooking fuel.

Also, included in the structure is a grey water reclamation system, which will provide the necessary water for the Trust's recently planted organic garden.

To combat the rising cost of food, this garden will greatly reduce their reliance on outside vendors for food and will also teach students the importance of a healthy and nutritional diet of locally grown fruits and vegetables.

The Matonyok Parents Trust is a registered Tanzanian charitable organization, and currently provides the necessary education, food, clothing and shelter for 27 Tanzanian children.
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