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Updated: Tuesday September 01, 2009 2:47 PM
Elephants - ‘Stand Up And Be Counted’
01.09.09 | A researcher with TAWIRI Mr. Samuel Bakari recently said in Arusha that, the proposed census which starts in October this year will be conducted throughout the country and his institute will also involve efforts from other wildlife based organizations and institutes in Tanzania…
Scientist Unlock Secrets behind Serengeti’s Wildebeest Migration
22.07.09 | "Once salt rises in park's Southern waters, animals migrate north". Something in the water in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park is spurring the world's most spectacular migration, according to a new study.…
Elephants sense ‘danger’ clothes
20.07.09 | Elephants can tell whether a human is a friend or foe by their scent and colour of clothing, according to Fife experts.St Andrews University researchers found that elephants could recognise the degree…
Life after gorillas in Kisoro
09.07.09 | Michael Wakabi writes that at the height of the gorilla boom, tourists were paying $375 for a one hour encounter with the primates, earning the park $34,000 a month. Today only about $5,400 comes in, so…
Conservation Aberdare National Park, bongo out of the blue!
08.07.09 | Conservation Aberdare National Park, bongo out of the blue! Dolphin, whale shark, turtle, leopard - Rupi Mangat had seen them all in the wild, but she had almost given up on this shy only in Kenya mountain…
Lions Wreak Havoc in Maasai Bomas
18.06.09 | The villagers told news reporters that the lions were noticed in the woods in the area from May 21 this year. But the lions wouldn't go away even after the morans hunting party supported by the anti-poaching…
Fact or Fiction?: Elephants Never Forget
17.06.09 | Elephants do not have the greatest eyesight in the animal kingdom, but they never forget a face. Carol Buckley at The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tenn., for instance, reports that in 1999 resident…
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